
Car Rentals in Dunedin- Everything You Need to Know

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Over the past decade, or so, awareness has risen considerably about the many attractions and natural wonders in New Zealand, ultimately contributing to the growth of the tourism sector in the country. Owing to the fact that it’s such a sparsely populated country, New Zealand offers the perfect mix of natural beauty, and well-developed cities, where you won’t feel as if you are far away from civilisation.

Dunedin has become a very popular destination for tourists visiting New Zealand. Dunedin is the second largest city on the South Island and is considered by many as one of the four major cities of New Zealand. It contributes heavily to the GDP of the country, and is also quite significant due to geographical, cultural, and historic reasons. In 2013, the population of Dunedin was estimated to be around 120,246. For many tourists who visit Dunedin, it serves as a starting point for their holidays. If you are thinking of taking a road trip through New Zealand, starting your journey from Dunedin is a great idea, as there are many companies that currently offer services relating to car rental in Dunedin.

Booking a rental isn’t a problem either. You can confirm your rental online, or make a booking over the phone, before you embark on your flight to New Zealand. However, there are several important things that you should know about the car rental industry in New Zealand, before confirming your rental.

A Rising Industry

As the number of tourists visiting New Zealand has increased year-after-year, more and more local businesses have begun to offer car and RV rentals. It’s a rising industry to say the least, and it’s widely expected to grow in the next few years. Renting a car is a great option for people who want to move around New Zealand and see the different natural wonders and places in the city. With time, companies have also begun to offer several valuable options to their customers as well. You can now rent a vehicle from Dunedin and drop it off at other destinations too (for a slight surcharge). As a result, you can expect your car rental options to grow even further in the near future.

Affordable Travelling

A major reason why the car rental industry has grown so quickly is because it offers an affordable way of travelling to most people. If you are travelling to New Zealand with a group of friends, renting a car from Dunedin is a great way to move around the country. You can visit different destinations without having to worry about paying over the top, or trying to see if there is any public transportation in the areas you would like to visit, as there most likely isn’t. With a car rental the costs of the rental and fuel will be divided over the whole group, one person won’t have to pay the full price per ticket. You can compare the costs of rentals online through several price comparison websites before confirming the rental.